Available Dates appear at the bottom of the page.
(Meets Monday through Saturday of each week)
This course combines the core of our previous timber framing, homebuilding, and apprenticeship curriculums into one package for those seeking a career in timber framing or a deeper understanding of the skills needed to build their own timber frame. It's ideal for those who seek more opportunities for development than are provided in our one-week courses.
The course includes morning classroom exercises, shop demonstrations and practice, and afternoon hands-on projects, all culminating with the raising of a timber frame built during the class.
Over the years, the Heartwood School has focused on hands-on exercises and classroom experiences that are best obtained under the guidance of expert instructors. This course will encompass many aspects of a forest-to-frame approach to allow the novice or the experienced student to get maximum benefit from their participation. After completion of this course, students will have a greater understanding of the history of timber framing, tool use and maintenance, design and joinery decisions, timber conversion, and the cutting, layout and raising techniques necessary for traditional timber framing.
Morning sessions will include introductions to, and practice with, tools and techniques through
classroom and shop presentations and demonstrations. Afternoons are spent applying these skills to a timber frame project that will be completed over the three-week period.
No experience is required to take this three-week Timber Framing Intensive program. If you are short on time, please see our hands-on one-week Timber Framing course which provides a brief overview of many of the concepts taught in this class.
Topics Covered:
The first week will be an introduction to the basics of timber framing. Morning sessions will cover timber frame history and terminology, hand and portable power tool use, tool sharpening, how to review plans, material handling, layout and cutting joinery. We will tour a woodlot, discuss tree species and their uses.
The second week of the course covers design, and building sciences focusing on timber frames but also the relevant concepts for conventional residential design. We will cover enclosure systems, the most common foundation systems, as well as introduce different methods of timber conversion and layout.
Later we will spend time focusing on scribing and using natural forms such as tree shapes in your project. This involves laying out and transferring joinery intersections from one timber to another using plumb bobs, levels, and marking devices instead of tape measures and math. This traditional method is useful for incorporating out-of-square, curved, or oddly shaped pieces into a timber frame.
We will introduce also talk about raising safety and the class will culminate with the raising of the course timber frame.
Note: Lunch will be provided throughout the course
Jack A. Sobon, Skip Dewhirst, Ariel Schecter and Neil Godden (see INSTRUCTORS page for instructor bios).
Recommended Reading:
● Learn to Timber Frame to Timber Frame by Will Beemer
● Timber Frame Construction Frame Construction by Jack Sobon & Roger Schroeder
● Build a Classic Timber Frame House a Classic Timber Frame House by Jack Sobon
● The Timber-Frame Home Timber-Frame Home by Tedd Benson
Additional Reading:
● Hand Hewn by Jack Sobon
● Advanced Timber Framing by Steve Chappell
Session 1 (March 25 - April 13): w/ lead instructor Skip Dewhirst, as well as Ariel Schecter and Jack Sobon
Session 2 (July 15- August 2): w/ lead instructor Ariel Schecter, as well as Skip Dewhirst and Jack Sobon