By Mike Grinley
February 26, 2024
Small Frame - Huge Possibilities As a home-based graphic designer, I really wanted to build my own studio. I wanted it to be beautiful, cost-effective, and something that was relatively quick to construct. After conferring with my friend, Neil Godden (Executive Director of the Heartwood School), he suggested I attend a 5-day timber framing workshop. I was able to purchase the student-built 12’ X 14’ frame, providing a quick and relatively inexpensive start to my project. I made a down-payment on the frame in April and began preparing for the September workshop. In order to raise the structure on my property in the fall, I needed to prepare a solid foundation. I prepared the site by clearing small trees and brush, followed by excavation of the top soil layer/earth. The space was filled with crushed stone and compacted to further stabilize the building site. I chose to construct the project on granite plinths, pouring 10 cement piers, one each for the 10 posts of my timber frame. The preparations were completed by laying 2” X 12” pressure-treated boards to receive the timber frame sills. The September workshop was a thrilling experience! I learned a great deal, had a lot of fun, and met a community of like-minded, truly talented friendly people. Shortly after, the frame arrived, and I had the raising in October. With the assistance of some hired help, we managed to work through the winter. We closed it in, insulated it, wired it, and added the finishing touches by mid-summer. Although it took a little longer than expected, I now spend every day in my studio, a space I absolutely love! Mike Grinley